Researchers reveal a loophole in the "Android " allow to penetrate networks "VPN"

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Researchers from the security hole in the operating system "Android " to allow the application to bypass malicious communication via VPN "VPN", and redirect data about different server.

The researchers pointed to the gung " Ben-Gurion University," that this loophole allows the server strange spying on all data sent up to him and that is not encrypted, without the user to feel anything guide him to break contact.

This can be done to exploit this loophole in any device that "Android " using the application malignant makes the connection is not secure , and allows the server to access data communication, and loses contact via "VPN" importance of encrypting the data and allow the user to access content banned by the Internet service provider for example .

On the other hand, cannot exploit this loophole , but the installation of the application malignant on your "Android " , which means that it can avoid falling into this problem, download applications from the source always safe , such as shop " Google Play " , and that the details of this vulnerability and how to exploit not still unknown , where unpublished " Ben-Gurion University ," any information about it , as the University has informed the " Google " this gap , which means that the " Google " you would subtract an update for " Android" is the bridge this gap.

The connection "VPN" or what is known as Virtual Private Network as one of the best solutions , which encrypts connect to the Internet or other computers through the " tunnel " placebo encrypts data passes through it , and this means that the ability of any person or entity to intercept data or activity on the Internet even if the Internet service provider .

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