" Facebook " test publishing advertisements on mobile applications

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Announced " Facebook " it began testing a way to direct their advertising toward mobile applications developed by other companies.

The " Facebook " that they are working on a new test in its own way in the ad with some partners and advertisers on a small scale , but it plans to expand the process of this announcement in the near future .

The " Facebook " that its new advertising allows advertisers to direct their ads towards the target users within the " Facebook " and beyond , it also brings new ways for application developers towards more profits.

And intends to " Facebook " has a traditional way in the use of direct advertising, but this time about users of applications on mobile phones , without showing them that the source of these ads , " Facebook ."

The move comes from " Facebook " in order to strengthen its position in the field of advertising on mobile devices , an area in which companies who donated such as " Twitter " which acquired the company last year, "MoPub" specialized in the field of advertising solutions on mobile phones .

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