How to sell your photos taken by balkmira online, make money

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How to sell your photos taken by balkmira online, make money
There these days means electronic commerce and methods and fields, not to mention ways to profit from the Internet, such as placing ads in sites and marketing Commission and shortcut links ... ...Today I present to you a different area to profit from

The Internet, though it does not have the reputation among Arabs, is selling photos via 
Web Sites Stock Photos 
You can profit by selling your own photographs, cartoons, and through licensed photo galleries on the Internet. These exhibits represented in the agencies and companies, you view your photos or your graphic designers in, newspapers, magazines and. ..... And specify the price and payment, and regulating the sale entirely.
 All you have to do is upload your image and add a title and description for each image, and waiting for profits. Note that when you download images or drawings, you must pass the first stage examination of quality as they relate to the requirements of the agency or company.

How to sell your photos taken by balkmira online, make money

How to sell your photos taken by balkmira online, make money 
Conditions of acceptance of the photo sites stock photos 

Each site for selling photos features from other certain conditions may be prohibitive for some, and can be summarized in the following outline: 
_ Credit: as obvious images must be from your PC during upload images recognizes. 

_ Quality: must be your great purity, some websites allow lower purity and some accept only high-quality images but overall image quality of the most important factors. And to know the image quality is seen mockup of any work 100% zoom, and notice whether there is vibration or noise, etc. in all parts of the picture. Also, some sites require a minimum image size. 

_ Consent models: must get the consent of anyone who is clearly shown in the image that allows you to trade commercially and moral image. 
You can find the model ready for written consent and downloading from the Internet, type the model release form 

_ Commission: most of these sites give a Commission ranging between 30-50% of each download of one of your photos. In some locations, the more your Commission increases load times of your images. You cannot claim your Commission before hitting a total of at least $ 50 in most locations.
 The easiest way to transfer the amount to you through PayPal and you can use your Commission earned and used to download pictures of other photographers that you want. 
Here are some tips that you can use when planning your biometric data images to sell: 

_ Portraiture: images of people must endure feelings or express the attitude of life. the show's environment element or clean white Studio background. I stzer a group of people tried to race to reflect diversity in your image for the largest number of categories. 

Note: not always faces, that I could take a picture of expressive without doing!!! 

_ Freezers and silent nature: these images are the most downloaded and available online as images, books, electronics and others tried to highlight items that you photographed or enter additional value expressed as: textbook < ... school duties. 

_ Landscape: you will pictures of scenery, try not to be very general picture, i.e. the general picture of a mountain or Valley will benefit advertisers. Make sure to deliver a message or attitude or feelings through image. adding people or animals to the picture may help. 
And to you months sites specializing in the sale of the pictures: You can now start selling stock photography editor of property rights, "thanks to istockphoto, which is a gathering of photographers from all over the world that great side is that both follow their teachings can send a picture and start selling directly as part of database huge images, istockphoto will pay you up to 20% and more from sales of your images, you will need to view lots of pictures to make it viable, but work let me tell you this, there are photographers earn a living (and pay the premiums A Porsche), which they sell to istockphoto istockphoto site meant that billions of people around the world. and for those asking about how popular this company the Agency Getty Images, one of the pioneers in selling stocks of high-quality images in the world and the most credible and respected, recently purchased agency istockphoto Political site accepting pictures are not as complex as other sites. In the sense that it does not require high quality pictures, images must be of excellent quality. This no doubt. But some other sites requires a quality virtually impossible. 

The site also features CanStockPhoto that any picture you on the site automatically appear in another location and is one of the features that attracted FotoSearch my attention on this site also is his large and gives you 50% on every sale or download.


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