Sony working on external camera for smart phones

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camera smart phones
tech kahouli
Saw the world of smartphones recently quantum leaps in the field of photography, coinciding with the increasing interest of manufacturers to develop imaging capabilities on their phones, and this interest is reflected in the launch of Samsung phone Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom and Nokia la MAL vie Lumia 1020 

camera for smart phones

In this regard, some leaks that Sony is working on a new surprise of its own in the world of smart phones, leaks indicate that the Japanese company is working on producing external lens is used as a supplement to smart phones, camera or lens expected foreign would be provided with a separate camera sensor type Exmor R size 1 inch and resolutions 20.2 MPX, f/1.8 lens from Carl Zeiess, is attached to the phone when the user needs to shoot footage with higher quality than those offered by the camera Smartphone leaks also signals the camera with a separate battery and NFC in addition to Wi-Fi, but so far no "formal" announcement of Sony about this lens 


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