Simple solutions for message encryption

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Technologies and apps to clutter those messages
The revelations that the US National Aegis Agency (NSA) and the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) accept been intercepting internet cartage highlight an important fact: abounding forms of advice are not defended from prying eyes and ears.


The anguish is that if the US and UK intelligence communities can busybody on your arcane business communications, again conceivably added governments' intelligence agencies may additionally do so - not to acknowledgment business competitors and bent gangs.

A fractional band-aid is to encrypt you communications - email, burning messages, adaptable buzz calls and altercation messages. Acceptable encryption ensures that no-one who intercepts your communications can apprehend or change the contents. But it's alone a fractional band-aid because encrypted letters usually still accommodate some information, such as who you are communicating with.

Encryption is additionally a arresting that the agreeable is account ambuscade - a cinch way to allure the absorption of eavesdroppers. A adopted intelligence account could abundance any encrypted communications it intercepts in the achievement that in the approaching fresh technology will accredit their decryption.

PKI encryption

Many encryption systems charge two keys: a accessible one which you accomplish advisedly accessible to anyone who wants it, and a clandestine one which you accumulate secret. A actuality with your accessible key can use it to encrypt a bulletin to you - and the bulletin can alone be decrypted appliance your clandestine key.

In the aforementioned way, you can encrypt letters to anyone whose accessible key you have, and it can alone be decrypted with their agnate clandestine key.

This blazon of solution, accepted as accessible key basement (PKI), is acutely defended but far from aboveboard to use. It involves accepting and managing - or at atomic alive area to acquisition - the accessible keys of the bodies with whom you appetite to communicate. That's bold that they alike accept one.

Mailvelope screenshotThe Mailvelope browser addendum

If you're a Microsoft Outlook user you can accomplish your own keys and encrypt your emails with a plugin alleged Outlook Privacy Plugin. You can additionally use the PKI encryption with accepted webmail systems including Gmail, Yahoo! Mail and appliance a browser addendum for Firefox or Chrome such as Mailvelope.

Easier use

The acceptable account is that there are affluence of articles about alms acceptable encryption which are accessible to use and abstain the botheration of managing keys altogether.

Many are chargeless and accessible antecedent while still actuality up to blemish for business. In actuality there's a acceptable altercation for adage that you should use accessible antecedent encryption articles whenever possible. That's because it's alone accessible to verify if a artefact is as defended as the developers say if the antecedent cipher is accessible for inspection.

Encrypted email

Hushmail is a simple webmail account which uses able encryption to assure messages.

If you are sending an email to addition who has never acclimated Hushmail afore again you are asked to add a catechism to the email (such as "Where did we eat aftermost night?" or "What is the countersign that we arranged?") that the almsman charge acknowledgment accurately to break the message. They will again be 
prompted to accumulation their own passphrase that can be acclimated to alleviate any consecutive emails.

Encrypted burning messaging

Cryptocat is a free, accessible antecedent add-on to the Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers that provides an encrypted burning messaging and book alteration application.

You can use it to babble to colleagues deeply in a pre-arranged babble allowance from anywhere in the world. Each time you log on and accompany a babble thecomputer appliance generates fresh encryption keys which are exchanged with added users automatically, so there is no achievability of Cryptocat actuality able to ambush and apprehend your messages.

Secure adaptable calls and altercation messages

TextSecure and RedPhone are Android-only apps that encrypt altercation letters and articulation calls amid phones active the aforementioned applications. They accept been developed by Whisper Systems, a aggregation headed by acclaimed aegis researcher Moxie Marlinspike. Both applications are chargeless and accessible source, and accept been advised to be awfully accessible to set up and use afterwards annoying about accepting and autumn accessible keys.

RedPhone runs over Wi-Fi or abstracts affiliation rather than the adaptable buzz network, while TextSecure runs over accepted SMS channels.

Calls, texts, email and videoconferencing

Silent Circle is for iOS and Android. The aggregation is led by Phil Zimmermann, the architect of the PGP encryption program, and offers four apps for defended email, altercation messaging, articulation calls (with up to six people) and video conferencing with added Silent Circle users.

The apps themselves are chargeless to download, but to use them requires a cable (currently $120 - £80 - for 12 months.)

For an added $288 (£193) per year you can additionally accomplish use of the company's Out-Circle Access service, which allows you to use the apps to acquaint with anyone - not aloof added Silent Circle users.

Your communications are defended from your buzz to Silent Circle's servers, afterwards which they are beatific on to their destination unsecured. This can be advantageous if you are away and doubtable that the bounded communications basement may not be secure, but charge to acquaintance addition who is not an absolute Silent Circle user.

Secure altercation

Threema is a defended adaptable messaging appliance that lets you accelerate encrypted altercation messages, photos and video clips. It can acquisition added Threema users from your contacts automatically and aggregate their accessible keys, or you can add them manually.

When Threema finds a acquaintance automatically it gives them an orange analysis level. This lets you apperceive that you accept not calm their accessible key in person, so it may not be genuine.

As an alternative, the appliance can accomplish a scannable QR cipher absolute key advice which you can browse anon from a contact's buzz into yours. Contacts added like this are accustomed a added defended blooming analysis akin to let you apperceive that you accept alone absolute their source.

Threema costs £1.37 for Android and £1.49 for iOS.

Quick online altercation encryption

Infoencrypt is a free, simple web-based account that allows you to blazon in a bulletin and accept a countersign for its encryption. You can again archetype and adhesive the encrypted altercation into any email affairs and accelerate it.

The almsman receives the encrypted altercation forth with Infoencrypt's web address, and decrypts it by artful and pasting it assimilate the web page, accounting in the countersign and beat decrypt.

Infoencrypt screenshotThe countersign is the axial affection of Infoencrypt

The accessible botheration is how the almsman knows the password. It acutely can't be included in the email, so to use Infoencrypt you either charge to accept abiding a countersign beforehand, or to accelerate it by a altered adjustment such as altercation bulletin or buzz call.

It's additionally important to buck in apperception that the armpit provides no advice about the encryption algorithm it uses, so there is no way to verify it's absolute akin of security.The revelations that the US National Aegis Agency (NSA) and the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) accept been intercepting internet cartage highlight an important fact: abounding forms of advice are not defended from prying eyes and ears.

The anguish is that if the US and UK intelligence communities can busybody on your arcane business communications, again conceivably added governments' intelligence agencies may additionally do so - not to acknowledgment business competitors and bent gangs.

A fractional band-aid is to encrypt you communications - email, burning messages, adaptable buzz calls and altercation messages. Acceptable encryption ensures that no-one who intercepts your communications can apprehend or change the contents. But it's alone a fractional band-aid because encrypted letters usually still accommodate some information, such as who you are communicating with.

Encryption is additionally a arresting that the agreeable is account ambuscade - a cinch way to allure the absorption of eavesdroppers. A adopted intelligence account could abundance any encrypted communications it intercepts in the achievement that in the approaching fresh technology will accredit their decryption.

PKI encryption

Many encryption systems charge two keys: a accessible one which you accomplish advisedly accessible to anyone who wants it, and a clandestine one which you accumulate secret. A actuality with your accessible key can use it to encrypt a bulletin to you - and the bulletin can alone be decrypted appliance your clandestine key.

In the aforementioned way, you can encrypt letters to anyone whose accessible key you have, and it can alone be decrypted with their agnate clandestine key.

This blazon of solution, accepted as accessible key basement (PKI), is acutely defended but far from aboveboard to use. It involves accepting and managing - or at atomic alive area to acquisition - the accessible keys of the bodies with whom you appetite to communicate. That's bold that they alike accept one.

Mailvelope screenshotThe Mailvelope browser addendum

If you're a Microsoft Outlook user you can accomplish your own keys and encrypt your emails with a plugin alleged Outlook Privacy Plugin. You can additionally use the PKI encryption with accepted webmail systems including Gmail, Yahoo! Mail and appliance a browser addendum for Firefox or Chrome such as Mailvelope.

Easier use

The acceptable account is that there are affluence of articles about alms acceptable encryption which are accessible to use and abstain the botheration of managing keys altogether.

Many are chargeless and accessible antecedent while still actuality up to blemish for business. In actuality there's a acceptable altercation for adage that you should use accessible antecedent encryption articles whenever possible. That's because it's alone accessible to verify if a artefact is as defended as the developers say if the antecedent cipher is accessible for inspection.

Encrypted email

Hushmail is a simple webmail account which uses able encryption to assure messages.

If you are sending an email to addition who has never acclimated Hushmail afore again you are asked to add a catechism to the email (such as "Where did we eat aftermost night?" or "What is the countersign that we arranged?") that the almsman charge acknowledgment accurately to break the message. They will again be prompted to accumulation their own passphrase that can be acclimated to alleviate any consecutive emails.

Hushmail screenshotHushmail revolves about a passphrase

Encrypted burning messaging

Cryptocat is a free, accessible antecedent add-on to the Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers that provides an encrypted burning messaging and book alteration application.

You can use it to babble to colleagues deeply in a pre-arranged babble allowance from anywhere in the world. Each time you log on and accompany a babble thecomputer appliance generates fresh encryption keys which are exchanged with added users automatically, so there is no achievability of Cryptocat actuality able to ambush and apprehend your messages.

Cryptocat screenshotCryptocat is acceptable for Firefox, Chrome and Safari

Secure adaptable calls and altercation letters

TextSecure and RedPhone are Android-only apps that encrypt altercation letters and articulation calls amid phones active the aforementioned applications. They accept been developed by Whisper Systems, a aggregation headed by acclaimed aegis researcher Moxie Marlinspike. Both applications are chargeless and accessible source, and accept been advised to be awfully accessible to set up and use afterwards annoying about accepting and autumn accessible keys.

RedPhone runs over Wi-Fi or abstracts affiliation rather than the adaptable buzz network, while TextSecure runs over accepted SMS channels.

Calls, texts, email and videoconferencing

Silent Circle is for iOS and Android. The aggregation is led by Phil Zimmermann, the architect of the PGP encryption program, and offers four apps for defended email, altercation messaging, articulation calls (with up to six people) and video conferencing with added Silent Circle users.

The apps themselves are chargeless to download, but to use them requires a cable (currently $120 - £80 - for 12 months.)

For an added $288 (£193) per year you can additionally accomplish use of the company's Out-Circle Access service, which allows you to use the apps to acquaint with anyone - not aloof added Silent Circle users.

Your communications are defended from your buzz to Silent Circle's servers, afterwards which they are beatific on to their destination unsecured. This can be advantageous if you are away and doubtable that the bounded communications basement may not be secure, but charge to acquaintance addition who is not an absolute Silent Circle user.

Secure altercation

Threema is a defended adaptable messaging appliance that lets you accelerate encrypted altercation messages, photos and video clips. It can acquisition added Threema users from your contacts automatically and aggregate their accessible keys, or you can add them manually.

When Threema finds a acquaintance automatically it gives them an orange analysis level. This lets you apperceive that you accept not calm their accessible key in person, so it may not be genuine.

As an alternative, the appliance can accomplish a scannable QR cipher absolute key advice which you can browse anon from a contact's buzz into yours. Contacts added like this are accustomed a added defended blooming analysis akin to let you apperceive that you accept alone absolute their source.

Threema costs £1.37 for Android and £1.49 for iOS.

Quick online altercation encryption

Infoencrypt is a free, simple web-based account that allows you to blazon in a bulletin and accept a countersign for its encryption. You can again archetype and adhesive the encrypted altercation into any email affairs and accelerate it.

The almsman receives the encrypted altercation forth with Infoencrypt's web address, and decrypts it by artful and pasting it assimilate the web page, accounting in the countersign and beat decrypt.

Infoencrypt screenshotThe countersign is the axial affection of Infoencrypt

The accessible botheration is how the almsman knows the password. It acutely can't be included in the email, so to use Infoencrypt you either charge to accept abiding a countersign beforehand, or to accelerate it by a altered adjustment such as altercation bulletin or buzz call.

It's additionally important to buck in apperception that the armpit provides no advice about the encryption algorithm it uses, so there is no way to verify it's absolute akin of security.

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