Nokia lumina 925: our best recent innovations in imaging and architecture

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Nokia Lumina 925
Today we advertise the Nokia Lumia 925, bringing calm the best in low ablaze imaging, a smarter camera and a admirable fresh look...

The Nokia Lumia 925 comes with a sleek, metal-finished design, a fresh AMOLED affectation to accomplish it accessible to appearance the agreeable from added angles, and fresh appearance and advances in our PureView imaging technology for capturing alike clearer, bluff pictures.

Nokia lumina 925

The architecture is absolutely acutely stunning, and in a aboriginal for the Lumia range, appearance metal. The metal anatomy on the Lumia 925 not alone draws absorption to the phone’s slim-line acceptable looks, but additionally lends robustness and functions as an antenna. The polycarbonate anatomy and metal anatomy are alloyed calm to actualize a absolute whole.

Snappy features

At the affection of the fresh camera improvements is the abutting bearing of angel processingcomputer application and the best avant-garde lens technology to accomplish every attempt bright and sharp.

One of the fresh appearance is the fresh Nokia Smart Camera approach that allows you to actualize the absolute aerial affection image. Nokia Smart Camera offers an accessible way to booty ten shots at already and again adapt them afterwards with accoutrement and furnishings like Best Shot, Action Attempt and Motion Focus.
Nokia Lumina 925

As able-bodied as adapted software, the camera on the Lumia 925 additionally comes with the best avant-garde lens technology. Together, the improvements bear clearer and bluff pictures and video. And acquiesce you to abduction the best pictures in the dark. Alike better, the imagingcomputer application improvements will be fabricated accessible to absolute accordant Windows Buzz 8 Lumia smartphones in an amend alleged Nokia Lumia Amber, which will be rolling out this summer.

Bright atom

The Nokia Lumia 925 additionally boasts a fresh 4.5-inch AMOLED affectation which offers above accuracy and sunlight achievement authoritative it accessible to see the agreeable alike on the sunniest summertime day. Add-on covers, awash separately, can add wireless charging to the buzz and will appear in yellow, red, white and black.

Nokia lumina 925

And, of course, the Nokia Lumia 925 comes with all the absolute Nokia casework that accord appear authoritative our phones more good than the rest. Notably, you’ll acquisition the HERE apartment of area casework for consistently award your destination, and Nokia Music for free, absolute alive of music playlists, alike back offline.

The Nokia Lumia 925 is accepted to alpha affairs in June aboriginal in UK, Germany, Italy and Spain with Vodafone and added abettor and retail partners; and in China with China Mobile and China Unicom, followed by the US with T-Mobile. It will be priced at about 469 EUR afore any bounded taxes or abettor subsidies.

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