Google Chrome features shown at I/O 2013 have begun their deployment into the browser

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Google’s I/O 2013 keynote aftermost anniversary was actual exciting, and while there was no specific Android OS update, there was abundant fresh actuality to charge into the two hour appointment that we did’t accurately charge it.

features Google Chrome

 During the talk, Google talked about accessible appearance actuality added to Chrome, the browser congenital on top of accessible antecedent Chromium, including an always-listening browser and more good interaction.

Chrome was a big affair at this years Google I/O. Picture address of Google Developers

Privacy apropos abreast about a browser that can consistently “hear” what you’re saying, the fresh chat aspect of the searches has aloof been added to Google Chrome 27. You can admission this from a fresh microphone button that shows up on the Google homepage, and remembers the searches you blazon so you can accomplish a cord of accompanying questions.

 A archetypal archetype actuality accustomed is allurement a catechism about an individual, and again not application his name in the abutting search. E.g., “how old is Linus Torvalds” and “where does he live”.

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