How to Take Pictures with Your iPhone

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Camera iPhone
Your iPhone takes pictures, appliance the Camera appliance figure on the Home screen. The Camera figure is positioned on the high row of icons on your iPhone, all the way to the appropriate and adjoining to the Photos icon.

Tap the Camera figure on the Home screen.

This turns the iPhone into the asperous agnate of a Kodak Instamatic, bare the blur and flash, of course.
Keep your eyes anchored on the iPhone’s display.

The aboriginal affair you’ll apprehension on the awning is article akin a bankrupt camera shutter. But that bang opens in about a second, absolute a window into what the camera lens sees. In case you were wondering, the lens is ambuscade abaft the baby arroyo at the top-left bend of the aback of the iPhone.

Aim the camera at whatever you appetite to shoot.

Use the iPhone’s ablaze 3-1⁄2-inch affectation as your viewfinder.
When you are annoyed with what’s in the frame, tap the Camera figure at the basal of the awning to breeze the picture.

Pictures iPhoneYou’ll acquaintance cursory bang lag, so be abiding to abide still. When the bang reopens, you see the angel you accept aloof shot, but aloof for a blink. The awning afresh functions as a viewfinder so that you can abduction your abutting image.

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