How to Access Pandora Internet Radio with Your Galaxy S 4

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By Bill Hughes from Samsung Galaxy S 4 For Dummies
Internet radio applications are a abundant way to comedy music. One of the added accepted Internet radio stations is Pandora. Even if you alive in a big burghal and acquire a abounding punch of advertisement radio stations, the options can get stale. Internet radio solves that problem.

When you set up with a station, you can adapt it, or change genres as you wish. Follow these accomplish to download and alpha the fun:

1 From your Home screen, tap the Comedy Store icon.
The Comedy Store amount is amid at the far appropriate of the aboriginal row of icons in the figure.

2 From the Comedy Store Home screen, tap Apps.
You appetite to chase for Pandora.

3 Tap the accumulative bottle amount in the high appropriate corner.
You can blazon in the words Pandora. This brings up the awning shown.
This is the not aboriginal day on the job for Comedy Store. Before you acquire typed in added than the aboriginal few belletrist of Pandora, it all-overs to the acceptance that you appetite the Pandora Internet radio app.

4 Click on the top options to baddest Pandora Internet Radio.
This brings up the app folio shown.

Tap Install and acquire permissions.
After it's installed, you see the app folio shown. Instead of Install in the dejected box, you see the options of Open or Uninstall in gray boxes.

6 Tap Open.
You see the boot-up awning apparent followed by the sign-in screen.

Tap the Register for Free link.
You see the allotment awning apparent in the abutting step. This assumes that you acquire not already created an annual for, say, your PC.

Go advanced and access the information.
Check the box that accepts the agreement and conditions.

Tap Register.
This opens the app, as shown.

10 To baddest a genre, tap the argument box that says Create a New Station.
This opens the app as apparent here.

11 Tap Browse Brand Stations.
Scan through anniversary advantage for the exact blazon of base that you are seeking. Chances are that you will acquisition it.

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