The release of Version 32 of the advantages of the new Google Chrome

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oogle has fired 32 stable version of the browser, Google Chrome, the new version came with some very significant improvements. One of these improvements are the indicators that appear on the tabs. Terms of audio or video, as well as broadcast (Broadcast).

Audio / Video


Web Camera

The new feature is the old Safe Browsing service (automatic virus scan), which warns users from malicious websites and malicious files . Google Browser now is to prevent malicious files automatically .

There is also a supervised users is a new feature to help family members who may need to prevent the allocation of some sites in order to protect their children . You can create a number of users as you want through your browser settings , or visit this link , you can also access the new interface to manage these accounts via this link / manage.

Google also improved Allowajh key for this particular browser for Windows 8 .

I knew this version as well as a lot of Althassaninat especially in terms of stability and performance.

To download the version from here, and if you Tsaml Google Chrome, you can update it directly from the settings. Issuance of Version 32 of the advantages of the new Google Chrome


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