Study: Android dominated 79% of the Smartphone market in 2013

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A study of the Smartphone market for the acquisition system "Android " on the largest percentage of the market in 2013 elapsed, where the phones were almost four out of every five phones were sold in the last year, she was working the system being developed by " Google ".

The study, carried out by the firm Strategy Analytics statistics, the share system "Android " market of Smartphones that were shipped during last year's percentage of 78.9 percent of the total market.

The study added that in the fourth quarter of 2013 was shipped more than 227 thousand smart phones running " Android " at a rate of 78.4 per cent compared with all phones that were shipped during that period.

The total number of phones " iPhone " smart, charged during the last quarter of last year, 51 million phones, by 17.6 per cent, the phones that have brought the company's revenues were estimated at U.S. $ 32.5 billion, also confirmed its financial results in the last quarter of the annual.

This, and the estimated share of phones "Apple" during the 2013 total of about 15.5 per cent, occupies second place behind the phones, " Android" after shipping more than 153 million smart phones.

The system " Windows Phone " developed by " Microsoft " in third place among operating systems dominating the Smartphone market, accounting for 3.6 percent during the past year.

Have been shipped 35.7 million smart phones running " Windows Phone " in 2013, of whom 9.4 million were shipped phone in the last quarter of the year, the phones, which accounted for 3.2 per cent of the market.

It is worth mentioning that the study comes at a time in which the study of other research firm IDC that shipments of Smartphones has recorded a record high last year, and that the company " Samsung " has imposed its control over the market.

It is noteworthy that the company " Samsung ", which is the largest manufacturer of mobile operating system "Android ", shipped over the past year about 313.9 million smart phones, according to a study IDC.

                                Figures published by Strategy Analytics, Inc.

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