Reports : iPhone 6 will be displayed Bashachta 4.7 and 5.7 inches

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With the approach of convening the conference of CES 2014 in Las Vegas next week, increasing the spread of news about anything new companies the digital world , and in this regard speaks Reports for the fact that Apple is preparing to launch two new models of smart phone iPhone like the iPhone 5, but this time the difference would be at the level of the size of the display screen.

News spread on the site to share information Chinese (weibo) from sources within the company handling for Apple (Foxconn), which makes phones for the iPhone in particular, sources confirmed that the new phone from Apple iPhone 6 will be in two trims first screens measuring 4.7 inches and the second screen measuring 5.7 inches.

We had published a story last month talking about the news quoted sources quoted the press is talking about Apple 's intention to launch a new smart phone and expected (iPhone 6) in the month of May in addition to the tablet device iPad Pro, which will be launched last October.

It remains to be waiting for the official announcement from Apple in order to confirm the news.


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