Report: "Android " continue their domination in the global smart appliance market

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A new report prepared by the research firm " quintals " Kantar, the open-source operating system "Android " still dominates the market of smart handheld devices, and that in almost all global markets.

She figures the company that the operating system of the company " Google " accounting for 50% or more of the sales of smart devices in the United States, Europe, Latin America, Australia, and China, and that during the last three quarters of 2013, this has reached the proportion of the acquisition system "Android " in some areas to more than 75%.

And found a research firm that system "Android " has been able to regain the lead in the United States, constituting an estimated 50.6 % of Smartphone sales between the months of October / October and December / December 2013 , beating the system " IOS " operator devices "Apple " smart , and who got a rate of 43.9 % of the U.S. Market, and then came the operating system " Windows Phone " of the company " Microsoft " Thirdly 4.3% only .

Referred to as the operating systems of these three has maintained the same order in Europe, with the difference in the rates of acquisition, were dominated by "Android " at a rate of 68.6 % market share , in the five largest countries of the European continent , the United Kingdom , Germany, France, Italy , and Spain , while the operating system " IOS " Secondly, by 18.5 % , the system comes " Windows Phone " by a third larger than the United States , and reached 10.3 % .

Remarkably, with respect to the continent of Latin America , that the operating system " Windows Phone " came in second with it did not achieve only 4.9 % of sales during the last three quarters of last year , so that the system " IOS " did not exceed 4.3% , all was due to the control of "Android " on 83.5 % of that market.

According to the figures , is still operating platform " BlackBerry " in the struggle between the rest of the operating system , and in all parts of the world , where the proportion of " BlackBerry " in all of the United States, Europe , and Latin America.

                                                        Company figures report "quintals" 

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