Patented reveal the intention of the "Apple " in the use of sapphire Smartphone screens

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Revealed a patent obtained by the "Apple " on Thursday about new technologies allows them to use sapphire glass screens in the manufacture of smart devices .

The file includes the patient information for different ways to use a sapphire glass in electronic devices , such as its use to cover the camera lens in the Smartphone , or cover the phone's screen fully .

Referred to as the "Apple" adopted in many models of smart phones on the cover screen glass " Gorilla " (Gorilla) resistant to scratches , the company " Corning " (Corning), while used sapphire glass to cover the camera in the manufacture of the Home button in the phone " iPhone 5 S " to make it a non- scratch or breakage and to ensure greater protection for the sensor footprint .

It is noteworthy that the "Apple " last year entered into a partnership with 578 million U.S. Dollars with the company "GT Advanced Technologies" to build a plant in the state of " Arizona " for the manufacture of sapphire glass .

The patent also revealed techniques allow installs on sapphire covers electronic devices , and are expected to use the "Apple" of this technology in the manufacture of screens Hawwasabha tablets and smart clocks coming too.

It provides sapphire glass when used in smart devices, high resistance to scratches, and resistance to fracture is higher than available in the Glass " Gorilla " famous , which is used by several companies to cover its smart screens .

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