" IDC " : Tablet PC market is still growing , but at a lower rate

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A new report indicated that the market for tablet computers, which is still continuing to grow in the usual, has begun this rate of growth is slowing down. With the fourth quarter of last year, 2013 saw a global charging about 76.9 million units, compared to 60 million shipped during the same period of the previous year.

According to the research firm, " IDC " IDC, which prepared the report, is still Computer Tablet " iPad " of the company "Apple" occupies the center Alsdrah, although its market share dropped to 33.8 %, while the share grew tablet devices produced by the company " Samsung " to reach to 18.8%, maintaining its position and the second, and then came the company "Amazon " by 5.8 %, then the " Asus " and " Lenovo " in the fourth and fifth, respectively, and Pencpti 5.1%, and 3.4 %.

According to recent figures from the company " IDC " that the tablet PC market is growing annually by 28.2 %.

Attributed the research firm declining share of the "Apple " of this market to the ongoing success achieved by its competitors, what caused the decrease in shipments of computers " iPad " to 26 million, during the period from the beginning of October / October until the end of December / December two years.

Regarding tablets operating running open source "Android ", the company maintained " Samsung " on the second place after that was able to charge about 14.5 million units, as the "Amazon " to ship 5.8 million units, and " Asus " shipped 3.9 million, and finally In the fifth place, the " Lenovo " ship 3.4 million units.

Analysts expect much competition among manufacturers of tablet computers during the year 2014, after the launch of more devices that feature was worth the cheap.

Related Topics: ANDROID  SAMSUNG

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