Four things you should consider before buying a computer RAM

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Perhaps that Aglpetkm known as Ram and its role , but did not know some of the technical stuff or technical about it, that this episode will cover four important points about this piece in the machine, especially if you are considering a change RAM or lifting capacity RAM Computer speed for the Tbat more .
Four things you should know before thinking about buying a computer RAM

The first point : the speed of RAM
 The key factors that govern the price of RAM capacity and not only , because the speed of RAM important in determining how the fast exchange of evidence between the RAM and the rest of the computer components , and therefore the faster frequency RAM elevated whenever you are approaching from the best selection . I advise those who wish to buy new RAM for his computer , whether desktop or laptop to snatch Alramat frequency 1333 MHz , at least that I could either capture the 1600 are the undisputed best .

The second point : the quality of RAM
You can not buy RAM haphazardly! It is not any kind of RAM can your computer run, each motherboard specific type of Alramat which accepted may be : SDRAM DDR DDR2 DDR3 for this must know well what are the quality of RAM for on those so that you can Astbmalh including suits , and therefore you can use the program CPU-Z , which enables you to Ram know the quality of your computer ( you can watch AlÚ¤edio Sfielh in order to learn how to manage the program and know what type of RAM in your computer 

After that know the type of RAM in your computer , Ikby before you buy RAM that belong to the same kind you just do not have the right kind of change the last , with a guarantee your freedom to choose the RAM capacity , including accepting the motherboard.

The third point : factory Manufacture
Of the basic things T contribute to raising the cost of RAM or Ankhvdha; Not all companies producing Ramat high quality, I mean quality, quality silicone material silicon, which makes them Alramat, but there are companies accused of doing manufactures Alramat but only assembled , where imported chips RAM from other companies and works to be installed and add her name in the panel RAM. And an advice : Check it Bramat company corsair , which is the best globally and undisputed .

The fourth point : performance
Of the points overlooked by most people buy Alramat , namely: " How to buy Ram Computer " I mean so that in the case that you would like to raise the capacity of RAM , for example, from 2 GB to 8 GB , Vlatqm never purchased a parcel of RAM and one of the class 8 GB because you do kill something important which proficiency performance, as the piece of RAM 8 GB will not operate as efficient capacity RAM 8 GB , but divided on two 4 GB in each Mzkhal any 4X4 = 8 in either case you would like to update to the 16 -GB then allows you to buy two pieces of class 8 GB Alyy by Matsmah by the motherboard.


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