Obama prohibited from owning the iPhone!

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Speaking before a group of young people in the White House, US President Barack Obama acknowledged that he has no right to the iPhone as it does that a large segment of Americans, and that all of his since he became President of the United States is a BlackBerry (rate) of protection devices, and illness in this for security reasons.

The US President was in an exclusive interview with a group of young people to persuade them to engage in legitimate new health insurance, which is one of the most important foundations of social policy, where Barack Obama was banned from getting on your iPhone and the only phone is a BlackBerry from an old model still owned since the Presidency in 2008 after its protection devices special security modifications.
Obama said his daughters (Sasha) and (financially) who were serving time for their iPhone to flip-it does not have this right, as was said in the past that has Apple fans (iPad).

Obama stated that the main reason preventing the security services charged with protecting it from getting on your iPhone is fear of hostile actors can locate something that is possible when using a BlackBerry and you cannot connect to only a limited number of designated persons.


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