Did you find out when your email address has been published penetration sites that have subscribed

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Breakthrough famous sites came to be is not something new , that's what we hear every day from penetrating to Bract sites and leaking data , and between the months of these sites site Sony 

Yahoo , Adobe site ... The list is long, so the subscription to these sites, especially when penetrated and publish their databases on the Internet , this issue threatens the safety of our own accounts , so he hacker can experience  who participated in the company after its publication in order to penetrate your email address private or search for other accounts shared by the same E-mail password and experience it ... That is why it is better to know if your email address has been published after breaking or not.
Did you find out when your email address has been published penetration sites that have subscribed

For this in the subject of this lesson is enough to tend to the site ?* Have I Been Pwned *latter which contains a huge database containing data for emails and Basordat the hackers posted on the Internet at sites major breakthrough that may inevitably registered by ! After a site type email and will indicate the site in a message to you in red if it does not have the penetration has been published after one of the sites that have subscribed , either in the case of the contrary, the site Seidahr your message that your email address is not common in the list of data leaked after penetration sites.

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