How to delete the background of photos without software

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 Most users are looking for a way to delete background pictures, wekashl way to do this is to use some professional programs such as Photoshop to delete background images, however it can use some simple tools that allow to delete the images, 

backgrounds of these tools you choose you need certificates alttbith clippingmagic site, where you can
delete the background from the image very simply. Whenever you enter the site clippingmagic to the image you want to delete the background by clicking on the blue button File and Choose the image. 

After you finish upgrading image on the site you will be asked to first select the area you don't want her deleted in green, then coloring all the parts of the image you don't want deleted in green. After you select the area you wish to delete (background) in red by clicking on the red button at the top left of the toolbar you present well in location, 

The background color that you would like to delete them where you will notice the disappearance of result box preview (preview) on the right. If I made a mistake while deleting the background, you can click on the icon that looks like an eraser on the aladwan at the top, and so would be in the latter result delete the background from a photo and you can download it by clicking on the download button in blue far left at the top of the toolbar.

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