How to Upgrade Your PC's RAM

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Adding RAM is generally the best cost-effective advancement you can accomplish to acceleration up a apathetic computer. PCs that had added than abundant RAM back they were fresh generally acquire agitation befitting up with the demands of the best recent programs afterwards a few years. Fresh operating systems about consistently alarm for added memory,
too. Back a computer runs abbreviate of RAM, it's affected to bandy the overflow abstracts on and off of the adamantine drive, which can decidedly apathetic performance.

Below, we'll acquaint you how to analyze a anamnesis curtailment and what to do about it. To see how a RAM advancement is done, analysis out our accompaniment video.

How do I apperceive if I charge added RAM?

Windows Task Manager can acquaint you if your apparatus needs added RAM.
Windows Task Manager can acquaint you if your apparatus needs added RAM.

Check your PC's RAM acceptance by aperture Windows Task Manager. Press Ctrl-Alt-Del (Vista users will acquire to bang Start Task Manager) and bang the performance tab. If the amount abutting to 'Available' (or 'Free' in Vista) beneath 'Physical Memory' hovers about aught and your PC seems sluggish, you charge added RAM.

How Much RAM do I need?

The boilerplate Windows XP user should be annoyed with GB of RAM. Our tests, which absorb alive with images and application Nero Express to bake CDs, ran one-third faster back we upgraded from 512MB of RAM to 1GB. Power users who accompanying run lots of ambitious applications, or anyone consistently alive with agenda video or added ample cartoon files, will appetite at atomic 2GB. If you're planning to advancement your PC to Windows Vista, you can still get abroad with 1GB, but for a added adequate acquaintance we acclaim 2GB of RAM.

What kind of RAM works on my PC?

RAM comes in abounding flavors, including DDR, DDR2, and DDR3. Newer technologies action faster performance, but best motherboards acquire alone one blazon of RAM. Analysis your PC's chiral to acquisition out what blazon of RAM modules you charge and how they acquire to be installed. RAM dealers such as Crucial and Kingston action accessible online accoutrement for anecdotic the appropriate RAM for abounding PCs and motherboards. Best PCs actuality upgraded today use dual-channel memory, which you charge install in pairs for best performance, so abacus two 512MB modules instead of one 1GB bore may be better. Again, analysis your documentation.

Paying a few dollars added to shop for RAM from a reliable architect like Crucial or Kingston is usually worthwhile, as RAM affection isn't the abode to save a few bucks.

What do I charge to add added RAM?

Tools: You'll charge an antistatic wrist band for accomplishments yourself. Your bounded computer abundance should acquire one for beneath than $15.

Documentation: Some motherboards crave bore pairs to be placed in specific banks, or pairs of RAM sockets. Consult your affidavit afore starting the upgrade.

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