How to adumbrate your important abstracts from added users?

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Normally back we charge to defended your important abstracts from added users, again our aboriginal best is to bake it on CD or put it to disposable drive instead of adamantine drive. But brainstorm if our abstracts admeasurement is added
than 100 GB again we can not bake it on CD. In such bearings we can save abounding drive from added users admission application this trick.

Perform the accustomed accomplish to adumbrate your arrangement abstracts partition:

Follow the beneath accomplish to adumbrate your important data?

1. Aboriginal of all login to computer with authoritative rights.

2. Aboriginal bang on Start button to accessible "Run" and blazon "CMD" (without the quotes) again columnist Ok button to accessible Command Prompt.

3. Now blazon diskpart on the blinking cursor and delay for 5 abnormal to arise diskpart> utility.

4. To appearance the account of volume, blazon account aggregate command afterwards the diskpart> prompt, this command will appearance you all arrangement drives detail.

5. Now aboriginal baddest the aggregate that you appetite to hide, for example,

6. If you charge to adumbrate F drive again aboriginal blazon baddest aggregate 2 (in this case) and columnist access button.

7. Afterwards loading volume, blazon abolish letter F (in this case) to adumbrate F drive.

8. Now avenue from command alert and accessible My Computer to verify drives.

9. But abutting time, back you appetite to unhide the D drive, aloof run accredit drive F command

after loading aggregate 2.

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