How Linux dominates the world

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Jim Zemlin, Executive Director of Linux once said: "you use Linux every day but you don't know it, it manages an essential part of our lives, it manages air traffic control, and the World Bank which works, and its operating nuclear submarines, your life and your money in the hands of Linux, it's incredible how important it is. World without Linux might be a very different place " 

I have today come to you with an exciting list of interesting things that are powered by Linux: 


Smart phones and Tablet Android:
You expect this! , It might be easy to identify as operating system for Linux, yes it works on most smartphones and tablet devices that exist in the world on this order. 

TV Box: 
Not just smart phones and tablets, there is also a TV box, a work also on Android, it will help to convert your regular TV smart TV. I ahadtt says changing the way people watch TV. 

Giant computers: 
Most of the world's supercomputers run Linux is the fact that many have been unaware. 

Major sites and cloud services: 
Linux supports almost all sites submitted to cloud services, in addition to a range of major sites such as: Facebook, Google, and Amazon. 

High-speed rail in Japan: 
Now let's get out of the cycle of technology, how many of you know that the railways in Japan working on Linux, and it works very well. 

Traffic control: 
Yes, Linux behind most monitors traffic management equipment, high-tech in San Francisco. next time twaghtk problem with traffic congestion, if wished Linux to solve the problem. 

High efficient auto industry: 
Toyota is a major fan of the Linux system, and funny crummy shows through the platform to make their vehicles more intelligent. as integrated sbaratha communication devices based on Linux. 

The New York Stock Exchange: 
Imagine one day without Exchange!, is really hard to believe, it ruined the country or the world economically and politically wagtmaaaia. The New York Stock Exchange has full confidence in the Linux system, granted high priority. for this I moved to Linux OS 2007 and recorded a reduction in the cost of other systems, and great flexibility since then. 

European Organization for nuclear research: 
It is one of the largest nuclear research labs in the world, and is used by Linux for control over the huge particle accelerator. 

Air traffic control: 
Linux also has a role to play to ensure that your flight is safe, because air traffic control systems using Linux!

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