Best sites to download free software

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Sometimes when we want to download a program from the Internet, uncensored, some sites do not find download links are working and some when you download the program it is corrupted or contains a virus, this is due to these sites is not supported and is not the copyright holder, of course, come on offence. 

To protect ourselves, we must download the programs you want from either the official site or from the following locations are very safe but they have copyright and of course original programs they also feature quality download links and reassuring when you download any software. 

CNET Download site: 

Popular software download sites is very easy to load, and it contains the most famous global programmes, and on the home page of this site you will find the latest versions of popular programs, these programs are not for Windows only (Windows-Mac-iOS-Android). 

Site URL: 

Softpedia website: 

Is well known and is the largest library of programs and tariffs if it did not find the definition of struck is the best proof, but it contains programs for the most various operating systems, with months and best games. 

Site URL: 

Softonic website: 

The largest library of software and games if your phone between these types you'll find her best (Android BlackBerry-Windows Phone-iPhone-Java) and other many systems, it also offers you more download in your country, but it contains a special page with technical questions and software flaws if there is a problem you want to solve it. 

Site URL: 


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