View your contempo Google account action

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Your Google account is amenable for giving you admission to added than aloof your e-mail nowadays. Your Google annual provides you with admission to a advanced ambit of Google services, including Google Music, Google Drive, and Google+. It additionally allows you to log in and set up devices, like Android smartphones, tablets, and Chrome books.

To advice you accumulate an eye on your Google account, Google advance your contempo annual action and allows you to analysis them from your Google Dashboard. It's agnate to the Gmail "Last annual activity," but includes added than aloof your Gmail activities.

To appearance your contempo Google annual activity, bang on your Google contour photo, again bang Account. In the larboard column, bang on Security, again Contempo Activity. You can additionally go anon to

Most of the items are log-in activities, but you'll additionally see some countersign and accretion activities as well. For log-ins, you can see from area the log-in originated, the browser used, operating system, and IP address. Accumulate in apperception that the action list, as Ghacks notes, is for Web log-ins only.

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