The amalgam Samsung ATI Q laptop has Windows 8 and Android Jelly Bean (hands-on)

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LONDON -- It's a amalgam device, transforming from a Windows 8 slate into a full-fledged laptop in one quick motion. That's not all, admitting -- at the tap of an figure it'll cossack into Android Jelly Bean, absolution you bash about all of your admired apps from the Google Comedy store.

It's packing the best recent Intel Haskell Core I'd processor, with a 13-inch affectation boasting a whopping 3,200x1,800-pixel resolution. Samsung has yet to advertise appraisement or availability, but accomplish abiding to accumulate blockage CNET for all the best recent news.


The ATI Q's accepted anatomy is a rather beefy 13-inch slate. Lift the affectation up at the back, though, and it reveals a keyboard underneath. The awning folds up and locks into abode abaft the keys, acceptance 
you to blazon and bash in abundant the aforementioned way you would on any added touch-screen laptop.

It's the aforementioned converting address we saw on Sony's Vito Duo, but Samsung has taken it a footfall
further. Rather than converting aloof amid laptop and slate, the awning can lie flat, aerial aloft and alongside to the keyboard. I'm not absolutely abiding why you'd appetite to accumulate it in that position -- rather than accept it lying collapsed in book approach -- but I assumption it's advantageous to accept the option.

More accessible admitting is the advantage to cast the awning all the way over, axis it, essentially, into a book on a stand. The awning automatically rotates as you about-face it over. Samsung reckons this approach is best to use for presentations in affairs or aloof for watching video aback you don't appetite the keyboard exposed.

Samsung additionally includes its S Pen stylus for handwritten addendum or doodling aback you're bored. It's the aforementioned abate array you'll get on the Galaxy Note 10.1, acceptation it's not decidedly adequate to hold, but does at atomic aperture neatly into the base.

The converting motion seemed adequately bland in my abrupt hands-on time, although I anguish that over time the baby hinges ability not be able to put up with abundant punishment. That's decidedly important, as the rear angle is absolutely area the CPU is housed. While that's an absorbing space-saving design, it potentially puts the aerial apparatus at added accident from knocks and bumps. We'll accord it a abounding accent analysis aback we get it in for review.

It's a 13-inch apparatus with concrete accommodation almost the aforementioned as any added 13-inch ultra book's. It's 14 millimeters thick, which is auspiciously skinny, it's baby abundant to accelerate calmly into best backpacks, and at about 1.3kg (2.8 pounds), you won't attempt to backpack it about for continued periods either.

The keyboard's keys are absolutely small, so it ability not clothing those of you with easily the admeasurement of continents. There's no blow pad like you'd acquisition on a accustomed laptop either. You'll accept to accomplish do with the little clue point in the average of the keys, or aloof use the blow screen.


The 13.3-inch affectation boasts an amazing 3,200x1,800-pixel resolution, which is the accomplished pixel calculation we've apparent on a 13-inch machine. It gives it a pixel body of 275 pixels per inch -- more acceptable than the 9.7-inch Retina iPad's support, and a massive bulk for such a big display.

Unsurprisingly then, aggregate looked absolutely pin-sharp. It's bright, too, and colors seemed affluent and vivid. I wasn't able to absorb a lot of time with the screen, so I'll leave my final acumen for the able review, but answer to say I'm aflame to see my own high-resolution photos on it.

Windows 8 and Android Jelly Bean

Like James Bond's apparatus guru, Samsung's own Q has a ambush up its sleeve. It's aboriginal and foremost a Windows 8 laptop, but at the tap of a tile, it can cossack into Android Jelly Bean. At aboriginal glance this ability assume a bit of a gimmick, but aback you booty a moment to anticipate about it, it absolutely makes a lot of sense.

If you're disturbing to adjudge whether to burst your banknote on a Windows laptop, a Windows tablet, or an Android slate, Samsung ability accept aloof the band-aid in the ATI Q.

You can assignment in Windows 8 as on a approved laptop, demography advantage of the accustomed Windows blueprint and Office tools. Aback the busywork is done, about-face over to Android to comedy touch-screen amateur and accidentally bash about any of the hundreds of bags of apps from the Google Comedy store. Even if that doesn't appeal, the arduous cardinal of added Android apps goes a fair ambit to accomplish up for the abridgement of acceptable titles in the Windows Marketplace.

The Android allocation runs on the aforementioned Intel Core I'd processor as the Windows portion, so achievement should be auspiciously zippy. The dent is the best recent Haskell silicon from Intel, which promises more acceptable array activity than its antecedent -- again, I'll analysis this appropriately in the review.

Switching amid the two operating systems is a simple assignment of hitting a asphalt on the Windows 8 desktop. The about-face takes a brace of abnormal at best and thankfully doesn't crave a restart. Going aback to Windows is artlessly a amount of hitting the Windows home key below the display. The operating systems additionally allotment book folders, acceptation annihilation you save in your arcade in Android will be accessible in your pictures binder aback you acknowledgment to Windows.

Interestingly, Samsung hasn't approved to administer any of its acceptedcomputer application additions over the top of Android. Instead, you get the authentic boilerplate Jelly Bean experience. It's the full-fat adaptation of Windows onboard, too, rather than the hobbled Windows RT version, which was accurately advised for tablets. That agency you're able to install any accustomed desktop software.


You can't accusation the ATI Q if it struggles to accept itself. It's at already a Windows tablet, an Android tablet, and a Windows laptop. Samsung clearly hopes this aggregate will be the absolute band-aid for bodies who appetite a accessory to clothing both assignment and play.

Whether that's absolutely the case or if it's absolutely a ambagious assortment of articles that should abide abstracted entities charcoal to be seen. I'm absolutely attractive advanced to award out which it is, though.

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