Samsung goes big with Windows 8-powered ATI band

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Samsung apparent the Samsung ATI Tab 3 at an accident in London on Thursday.
ATI tablet, laptops, and PCs booty centermost date amidst a accumulation of fresh Samsung devices.

The Ativ name may be silly, but Samsung Electronics is action heavily on it as the namesake for annihilation accompanying to Windows.
In a advertise Thursday that featured a bulk of products, Samsung's Ativ band played a axial role. Ativ has become the awning cast that includes laptops, tablets, all-in-ones, and smartphones, and some of the accessories were on display.

Samsung is acquisitive history repeats itself with Ativ. It ahead caked its assets into developing the Galaxy cast for annihilation associated with Android, and its flagship Galaxy S band of smartphones is a accident hit, with the Galaxy name extending into assorted curve of acknowledged phones and tablets.

Microsoft could absolutely use the jolt. The accession for Windows 8 has been tepid, with users afflictive with the fresh tile-based user interface. In May, Microsoft boasted of 100 actor Windows 8 licenses sold, but critics argue acceptance and absorption charcoal low.

The aggregation appear the Ativ Q, a convertible accessory that can change amid book and laptop forms and runs Windows and Android.

The accessory juggles both Windows 8 and Android 4.2.2, additionally accepted as Jelly Bean. Users can about-face amid the operating systems quickly, and you can pin Android apps on the Windows alpha screen.

It has a articulation architectonics that allows it to change into four altered forms: a collapsed book mode; a laptop mode; an angled affectation or amphibian affectation for added adequate viewing; and a affectation approach accomplished back you cast the display.

The Ativ Q can alter both Android and Windows 8.

The accessory runs on a 13.3-inch affectation with an acutely affluent 3,200x1,800-pixel resolution and 275 pixels per inch, which the aggregation boasts is the world's accomplished resolution. The qHD affectation is optimized for use in ablaze sunlight conditions. It additionally includes a 16-megapixel CMOS sensor for the camera and an Intel i5 Haswell processor. It's 13.9 millimeters blubbery and 1.29 kilograms. It has 4 gigabytes of anamnesis and a 128GB solid-state drive for storage. It has two USB ports, an HDMI port, and a aperture for a microSD card.

The book additionally comes with an S-Pen stylus, that works with accepted apps such as Evernote.

Samsung additionally appear the Ativ Tab 3, a slate powered by Windows 8.

The aggregation boasts that the Ativ Tab 3 is the world's thinnest Windows 8 tablet, and said the accessory shares abounding architectonics cues with the Galaxy band of tablets. Like the Galaxy Note band and Ativ Q, the Ativ Tab 3 comes with the S-pen stylus, which works with Office applications.

The book has a 10.1-inch affectation with a 1,366 by 768 resolution, weighs 550 grams, and is 8.2 millimeters thick. The book uses an Intel Atom processor, has 2GB of anamnesis and 64GB of storage.

Microsoft Office 2013 is arranged into the book for free, Samsung said.

Samsung's Ativ Book 9 Lite is one of nine articles that Samsung clearly launched on Thursday.

The Korean customer electronics behemothic additionally apparent the Ativ Book 9 Plus, which is the almsman to its Alternation 9 band of laptops, as able-bodied as the Ativ Book 9 Lite, which is the budget-friendlier equivalent.

Samsung said the Ativ Book 9 Plus boots up in six abnormal and wakes up from beddy-bye approach in one second.

Samsung's Ativ-apalooza

Hands on: Samsung Ativ Tab 3 book

Samsung Ativ Book 9 Lite impressions

Checking out Samsung's Ativ Book 9 Plus

All-in-one Ativ: One 5 Style

The convertible Samsung Ativ Q

The Ativ Book Plus will appear with a 13-inch affectation with 3,200x1,800-pixel resolution, a blow screen, and 12 hours of battery. It is 13.6 millimeters blubbery and weighs 1.3 kilograms. It will use one of Intel's Haswell alternation processors (i5 or i7), which the chipmaker boasts offers added good application with awfully bigger array life. It can authority a best of 8 gigabytes of anamnesis and 256GB of storage. It has two USB 3.0 ports, a micro HDMI port, and mini-VGA port.

Its added affordable cousin, the Ativ Book 9 Lite, will additionally accept a 13-inch display, but is a beard thicker and hardly added at 16.9 millimeters and 1.44 kilograms. Unlike the Plus, the Lite adaptation will accept a blow awning as an option. It will use a solid-state drive for storage, and a Samsung-specific quad-core processor. It will appear with a best of 4GB of anamnesis and 256GB of storage.

The Lite has one USB 2.0 anchorage and one USB 3.0 port, as able-bodied as a micro HDMI and mini-VGA ports.

The Lite additionally comes in three colors: wine red, marble white, and ash black.

The aggregation apparent the Ativ One 5 Style, an all-in-one computer accepted to attempt adjoin Apple's iMac or added absolutely chip computers such as Dell's XPS One.

The all-in-one has a 21.5-inch touch-screen affectation with 1,290x1,080-resolution, 4GB of memory, up to 1 terabyte of storage, and a quad-core AMD processor. It will additionally accept two USB 3.0 ports, two USB 2.0 ports, an HDMI port, and a 3-in-1 agenda reader.

Samsung admiral badinage about the most recent Ativ devices.

Missing from the calendar were any accessories active on Windows RT, the bare bottomward adaptation of Microsoft's Windows 8 that runs on a altered processor architectonics that is added agnate to tablets and smartphones, authoritative for cheaper and added power-efficient products. One Samsung controlling fatigued the point that the articles were not active on Windows RT, an absolute attempt adjoin the ill-received OS.

Samsung additionally didn't appearance off any fresh Ativ smartphones active on the Windows Phone operating system. Despite accessible declarations of its abutment for assorted operating systems, the company's apperception has abundantly focused on Android, which admiral all of its hit smartphones. The aggregation broadcast its agency of Galaxy S4 phones with three fresh devices, the Galaxy S4 Mini, the added asperous Active, and optical lens-packing Zoom.

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