PlayStation 4 is antibacterial the Xbox One in Amazon chump poll

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Amazon is active a poll on their Facebook folio allurement readers which abutting bearing animate – Sony’s PlayStation 4 or Microsoft’s Xbox One – they prefer. If you’ave been account news comments or bulletin boards back E3, the after-effects apparently won’t abruptness you much.

With added than bristles canicule larboard to vote, the Xbox One has accumulated 1,754 votes (as of writing). The PlayStation 4, on the added hand, has 31,689 votes. Yeah, it’s not alike accidentally close. Sony admiral charge be activity appealing blessed at this point but at Microsoft, the atmosphere apparently isn’t as cheery.

True, we won’t apperceive how all of this pans out for a few added years but appropriate now, the after-effects are appealing telling. That’s because, clashing added acclamation you may acquisition on fan sites, Amazon is a aloof affair with a huge fan abject that consists of both Sony and Microsoft homers (as able-bodied admirers of amateur in general).

A quick attending at Amazon’s Best Sellers account in their video amateur class solidifies what we are seeing in the poll. As of writing, the barrage day copy of the PlayStation 4 is already awash out. Sony’s accepted copy animate – with a absolution date of December 31, 2013 – is currently ranked aboriginal advanced of the Xbox One.

That said, do you accede with the allegation in Amazon’s poll appropriately far? If you had to accept amid the two appropriate now, would you go with Sony’s alms or angular added appear Microsoft?

Update (6/17): It appears Amazon took bottomward the poll, but not afore visitors had a adventitious to booty a screenshot of the results. As of backward Sunday the numbers were appropriately biased with 38984 votes for the PS4 against 2162 for the Xbox One.


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