Apple supplier Coconino cooks up its own smartwatch

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Compatible with the iPhone, the fresh smartwatch can analysis buzz calls and Facebook posts.

of Apple's key suppliers has baffled the aggregation to the bite with its own smartwatch.

At its shareholders affair on Wednesday, Foxconn, aka Hon Hai, demoed a smartwatch that can wirelessly affix to an iPhone to affectation admission buzz calls and Facebook posts, Want China Times has reported. The watch can additionally accumulate clue of your heartbeat, respiration, and added basic signs. And if your belly aren't tip-top, the accessory can alike action admonition on how to get them up to snuff.

More appearance are on the horizon. Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou said his company's wireless and medical analysis capacity plan to add fingerprint acceptance in adjustment to adviser your claimed health, Watch China Times added.

The timing of Foxconn's watch shows that the aggregation is arresting out on its own and not aloof cat-and-mouse about for Apple's much-rumored iWatch. A news aftermost ages from the Economic Times claimed that Foxconn had already accustomed 1,000 orders for an Apple smartwatch as a balloon run. But Foxconn has appear aspirations above aloof bartering genitalia to added companies with affairs to barrage its own cast of cyberbanking accessories.

Originally acquaint at Internet & Media

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